Chai Milk Tea

Two glasses of chai on a gray surface, with some orange fabric to the left and a spoon in front.


A sweet, creamy, and fragrant drink from South Asia. It’s often called chai latte or chai tea latte.



  1. Boil water in a saucepan (high heat).
  2. Add tea leaves and cardamom pods. Reduce to medium heat and simmer for 1–2 minutes.
  3. Add milk and increase back to high heat. Watch the liquid carefully and remove the pan from heat before it boils over. Using a ladle, scoop and pour back the liquid to help make it frothy. Do this (removing pan and scooping) several times. The longer you repeat this, the more liquid evaporates and the stronger the chai.
  4. Strain through a sieve and serve with desired amount of sweetener.


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